

Connect Personal Computer to The Router

The first time the router is used, no network is configured, so the router can not communicate with other networks. To set up the router to connect to the network, then the necessary initialization and configuration. It is necessary to roll-over cable is connected between the management port to the computer via a terminal emulating software like hyperterminal. After configuration, the router is ready for communication with the network.

Below, the steps to connect the PC to the router:
1. Configuration to a PC with terminal emulation parameters:
- COM port that is used
- Baud: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- No parity
- Stop bits 1
- No flow control
2. Connect the RJ-45 roll-over cable to the router console terminal
3. Connect the other end to the DB-9 terminal
4. Connect the female DB-9 terminal adapter to the PC

Interface connection to the LAN router
Routers are generally connected to the LAN via Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interface. Router as a host that communicates with the LAN through a HUB or Switch. In this case the straight-through cables are used. For 10BASE-TX or 100BASE-TX requires Category 5 UTP cable or better.


klipang said...

thanks for share, good article

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